How Can I Become an Adoption Advocate?

This is the golden question! The good news is you do not have to be a social worker or even an adoptive parent to help advocate for waiting children. It’s so simple to be an advocate for these children. When you look at their faces, it is the next natural thing to share their story. Here are some simple ways you can get started:

  1. Social Media! Use social media to share about the orphan crisis –  some numbers quote over 732,000 children are without parents in China.  Most of the waiting children in China are boys.  All these beautiful waiting children have some degree of special needs.
  2. Share our Posts! Post about an individual child when their story touches your heart.  You can always share our NB Promise Kids posts. This not only brings awareness to the orphan crisis but can also help that individual child to be united with his or her forever family.
  3. Share with your Community! Speak to your community or fellowship institution about promoting how many children are waiting in China, things you can do to help with the orphan crisis and how to help these children to find forever families.
  4. Offer Your Services! Donate to a reputable orphan outreach. For example, Love Without Boundaries, One Sky, or assist us with the Promise Kid’s mission to help all children find their forever family.
  5. Advocate in Your State! Speak to your state representatives about being supportive of International adoption.
  6. Prayer! Start a prayer circle for the children who wait.  Ask your friends to assist you. This also raises awareness of every individual child.
  7. Support Other Families! Support local families in the adoption process or those who have recently adopted. Once you begin sharing your heart for any one child, it’s amazing how quickly you become connected with the whole adoption community.  Cooking a dinner or offering to pick up groceries may give a family recently home a much needed helping hand.

Lastly, any one thing you do for any child moves the process along, brings awareness, helps global or individuals all come together to assist all children.  Everyone can contribute to finding every child a home, and a forever family.

Look in our upcoming blogs for information and some easy fast facts about China adoption.  You can use these fast facts in helping you advocate!